16 November 2010

Article Example for SEO Purposes

Over the past weeks I have been posting several blogs on SEO as an explanation thereof, but this time I thought it may be a good idea to post one of my articles as an example of an article written for SEO purposes.  This is then disseminated to various quality and high ranking article submission sites.  The content and linking in this type of article will offer the client good links back to his site, and furthermore drive traffic through to his site, for twofold reasons - the relevancy of the content and the value of the linkback. 

Keep watching this space, or even better, subscribe to my blog, because as over the next weeks, I will break down the article and explain the importance of each section.

Example Article:

Title: Varifocal Explained


Varifocal and Bifocal lenses are corrective lenses used in eye glass eye wear to correct presbyopia and any other disorders of eye adjustment. Both varifocal and bifocal have a gradient of increasing lens power. Essentially, the gradient starts at a minimum at the top of the lens and reaches a maximum power at the bottom of the lens.


Varifocal lenses allow you to see near and far using only one pair of glasses, without any abrupt change and the advantage that there is no visible line in the lens, only an even transition from near to far. Basically, varifocal lenses help you see things clearly at all distances. Varifocal lenses take a little time to get used to, but once you are used to them, you will find that you can see clearly at all distances. Varifocal lenses are available in several designs, by design this is referring to the differences between the areas allocated through the distance, intermediate and reading zones.

Varifocal lenses are designed so that when you are looking straight ahead you look through the distance section of the lens. The reading zone is the lower part of the lens and the middle section of the lens allows you to view anything at arms length distance. The wearer can adjust the lens power required for clear vision at the different viewing distances by tilting his, or her, head to view through the appropriate section of the varifocal progression. Because near vision, such as when you are reading, is usually at a low visual field, this is the reason for the lower part of the lens being powered for near visual tasks.

Previous or older varifocal designs had a large distortion zone complexity, which often made it more difficult for the wearer to adjust to. Today, however, newer technology has made way for reduction of the size of the distortion areas, allowing easier adjustment for the wearer. The new varifocal lenses provide much wider viewing zones, therefore, giving a much clearer and more comfortable view. Because these newer designs of Varifocal lenses are easier to get used to, there is now only a small majority of people who may never get used to wearing varifocals.

Word count: Body (309), Introduction (58)

Reading time: 01:56:02

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